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ballon exercice, ballon naissance
Exercise ball 45cm 55cm 65cm
Exercise ball 45cm 55cm 65cm
ballon exercice, ballon naissance

Exercise ball 45cm 55cm 65cm


You are probably aware of the existence of balloons in birthing rooms and you most likely know that expectant mothers do circles while sitting on it.
But did you know that there is a complete method on how to use the birthing ball during labor and that much more can be done than circles while seated on a birthing ball?

Be vigilant in checking the quality of the balloons you will use. It is imperative to use anti-burst balloons to ensure the safety of women during pregnancy and at the time of childbirth. The Ledraplastic company which produces the classic Gymnic plus is one of the most serious. Very resistant, Gymnic anti-burst balls can support a weight of up to 300 kilos and will gradually deflate if punctured.

In the prenatal period, the ball supports, stretches, rolls, softens, strengthens, relaxes and allows you to feel a very pleasant weightlessness effect in order to improve the course of pregnancy and facilitate childbirth. In the postnatal period, the ball is extraordinary for recovering the optimal physical condition of the new mother after childbirth. It promotes the strengthening of the pelvic floor, the correction of rectus diastasis (separation of the rectus muscles caused by the increase in the volume of the uterus), all while having fun with baby.

The birth ball is an exceptional tool to discover to better experience pregnancy, recover physical condition after childbirth and regain the confidence to give birth.