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Homeopathic Medicine "Doux Dodo" by Capucin

Homeopathic Medicine "Doux Dodo" by Capucin


How can I soothe my child's sleep naturally, in the presence or absence of disruptors such as anxiety, fear or hyperactivity?


Size: 50 mL

This formula approved by Health Canada relieves sleep disturbances such as nighttime restlessness; insomnia of the nervous and overexcited child; waking up in tears; nightmares and night terrors.

Usage tips

Homeopathic recommendations:

  • Take at least 10 minutes before eating or drinking.
  • Hold for 15 seconds under the tongue.
  • Keep in a dark place.
  • Avoid exposure to a heat source.


  • Use 2 to 3 times a day.
  • In case of acute attack , repeat every 15 to 60 minutes until symptoms improve for a maximum of 12 times per day.

Easy to use, one dose is equivalent to:

  • Infants (0-12 months): 2 sprays
  • Children (1-5 years): 4 sprays
  • Children (6-11 years): 6 sprays


Medicinal ingredients: Avena sativa 4DH, Chamomilla 7CH, Coffea cruda 30K, Nux-ivomica 7CH, Arsenicum album 9CH, Thuja occidentalis 7CH, Zincum metallicum 6CH.

Nonmedicinal ingredient: Alcohol and purified water.

Further information


Contraindications and adverse reactions : None known.

  • Do not exceed the recommended dose.
  • Consult a health care practitioner: if you have a fever, new symptoms, or symptoms that worsen for more than 48 hours.
  • Discontinue use if symptoms persist or do not improve within 7 days of taking this homeopathic medicine.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Use for a maximum of 30 consecutive days.
  • Store in a dry, cool place away from light.

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