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Book, "Free your intestines" by Dr. Bernadette de Gasquet

Book, "Free your intestines" by Dr. Bernadette de Gasquet


The book

This pocket format of the famous and must-have book Manger, Eliminate by Dr Bernadette de Gasquet.


Episodic or chronic, constipation spares no one. Travel, change of lifestyle or eating habits, bed rest, taking certain medications, pregnancy, postpartum...

Its causes are multiple.

To all the resulting problems, Dr. Bernadette de Gasquet strives to provide scientific but also practical answers, to be implemented on a daily basis:

- Breathing
- massage
- Stances
- Protection of the perineum
- Nutrition advice

The answers provided allow a complete overview of the question, make the reader active and make him a partner in his healing.

Episodic or chronic, constipation spares no one, whether infant, child, adolescent, adult or elderly person.

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