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la naturopathie au service de la périnatalité, Diane Boutin

Book Naturopathy at the service of perinatality by Diane Boutin

More than a book! It is a natural health encyclopedia, based on current knowledge and the author's experience as a naturopath, birth attendant and perinatal specialist.

"Naturopathy in the service of perinatality" a bold and long-awaited book giving solutions to relieve, in a natural and safe way, the discomforts during pregnancy. It also makes us understand the importance of preparing before this one. In addition, the author goes beyond the myths and restores the power of autonomy, with natural means, both to professionals and to the public who wonder about the subject.

We will begin by emphasizing the importance of pre-conception in order to prepare to receive a small baby in the uterus and in the heart, in a state of maximum health. We will take this opportunity to recommend a fitness plan during this period and to give some recommendations that we consider essential.
Next, we will discuss the discomforts associated with pregnancy by trying to clarify the reason(s) for each of these problems, since understanding the problem often means that we are able to remedy it.

Thereafter, we will analyze the different means of preventing these discomforts and we will end our reflection by presenting several recommendations and different ways, methods, or “tricks” to relieve you. Warning: try one or two things at a time, if it doesn't work, don't try the others. A little touch of humor or anecdote will surround everything just to play down the drama and continue to take life on the bright side.

We will classify the main discomforts of pregnancy into four main categories:
1- The most frequent discomforts:
2- The rarer discomforts:
3- Alarm signals:
4- Small illnesses other than discomfort

In the fifth part I will suggest various plants which will be very useful for you for any other discomfort or disease which may arise during pregnancy and which will be of great use to you.
5- Plants useful to women:
- summary list of non-recommended plants
- designation;
- use ;
- toxicity;
- choice of product;
- dosage.

Finally, in the appendix, you will find:
- various tables representing the doses of vitamins (A, B, C, D and E) recommended as well as their main food sources;
- a table representing the main sources of minerals;
- a table representing the main sources of fatty acids and Omega-3;
- various tables indicating the main sources of these vitamins and minerals;
- a table indicating fetal movements;
- a re-energizing ''pep up'' recipe;
- a cure against edema for pregnant women;
- a reflection on essential oils during pregnancy;
- a list of some interesting internet sites for consultation;
- An index to find your way around.